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Saturday, 9 June 2018

Dream Another Day-the vote (Part 4)

Dream Another Day- the vote

"Dee, did you see the people. They swarmed on me like bees."
"Davi, don't conclude. Things are not what they seem."
Her husband smirks his lips, smiling.

"But the turnout was great. I was mobbed by my supporters. Everybody was on my side. They want change, really."
She shakes her head, quite upset. The picture on her mind bleak, blurry.
"It's not you they want, Davi."
"A-ha, Dee! Here you go again. Why are you skeptical? Give me a break. I need a breathing space. Of all the oppositions, I'm the most qualified. The most traveled, the most educated. PhD in international law. One time president of ICJ. Chair to UN on idps durable solutions and poverty alleviation. And more than hundred international law books to my name. I'll do more for them than anyone else would. Don't you think my way."
"They are against you. They hate you. They won't vote for you."
"Mm," he whispers, staring hard at her.
"They don't like you. They are fake and hungry. They will collect all you have and leave you out there in the cold. If they abandoned the best politicians that gave them independence, better educated than you, you are a very small fly to handle, insignificant fly really. They will take everything you've got, and dump you," she says wide eyed.
"Angel Dee, your clairvoyance, telepathy will fail through again. It was the presidency of Bar Association the last time. You predicted I would lose. Later, I won. l'm their president today."
'That's professional. They are your colleagues, like minds. Still they refused you to sit. Anyway, this is a different ball game. You are too enlightened, educated to be the president. This country does not like well-educated people. You're not a rogue politician."
Dr Davi started laughing uncontrollably.
"They will not accept you," she repeats, her cheeks red with burning anger.
"Why don't you want me to do anything for my country? Why don't you want me to participate in building my country?"
"You live a straight life, Davi. You can't bend."
"I don't understand you, Dee?
"When pressure mounts, what will you do to the oil wells owned by gods, security/ministerial appointments reserved for a few, tribal and religious lords, civil service cabals, Business monguls and ghost contractors. We have a lawless country. You are bound by law. It binds your social etiquette and your upbringing. You can't cope. I want you alive my dear. Anyway, the powers that be will steal your mandate. I'm only warning you to expect and accept defeat ahead of announcement of results."
He continues laughing loud. I've done all my homework well, he thinks. He sits heavily on a low couch. And switches on the TV.

The collection centre is counting the votes. The chief electoral officer is reading the results.
"PCD wins the presidential seat by 15million votes. Dr David Nnam is the president elect."
He jumps up, kicking his legs, swinging his arms, shouting. Foams of saliva dripping down his mouth.

His wife lying beside him in an hospital bed throws the bedsheets away, rises, grabs him, and pins him down on the bed, screaming. Nurses rush in, grab, hold him down and give him some sedatives. Slowly he comes down. Sleeps. Then they redress his bed and lay him properly.
There is quiet and calm and some relieve on the faces of the nurses. By now the scenario has become some routine.
"He is not getting any better. He is still shouting every hour. I didn't sleep last night. He was hallucinating. What should l do, where is the doctor, when is he coming," asks Dee, tears streaming down her cheeks.
"Madam, he will come soon," says a nurse, staring at the frail man wrapped in light blue sheets. Then she turns to face Angel Dee Nnam.
Beautiful woman! What's she going to do? Six months here! He is not getting any better. This politicians! Always thinking they are born to rule others," she wonders. Then she held her shoulders."Madam, he is getting better," she assures Dee, her tooth gap showering some smiles.

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