“No, we can’t do that, Gab.”

“It’s the only chance we’ve got.”
could you talk like this.
“Ann, we should, please. You got to move on.”
“Ann, we should, please. You got to move on.”
we shouldn’t,” she says.
you are not listening.”
I can’t do this to my parents. They love you. They call you son.”
slips off his chest, off the bed, goes to toward the oval windows. And pulls
the drapes. Dull light, cold wind streams in. In
the distance, in the thick smog, the elegant Statue of Liberty stood forever,
her hand in up in the sky, holding the torch.
How could she stand there all these
years? Formidable, imposing against the odds.
Quickly she pulls back the grey blinds. Then swirls around like an strange wind. Her man was sitting on the bed, staring at her in the mirror.
is lying fallow, Darling.
We should invest in another business.”
sorry, Gab. I can’t do such a thing. I will not betray my parents. If I
withdraw my shares, the company is gone. Everything Dad’s building the last
forty years crumbles. He’ll have seizures. He’ll die. Please I can’t do it. We
are married yesterday. Our future has be gone. I’ll help you build another
business company the way I helped my father.”
are you doing, Gab? Bring your voice down. Please.”
out of this shithole!”
rises like Hurricane Katrina, his chest quaking, boiling. He pulls down his
bag, and begins throwing his things in. She is calm, watching him, tears on her
eyes, pretentious smiles on her cheeks.
she grabbed him.
here is not a shithole. United States is not a shithole. This hotel isn’t a
shithole. It is the most luscious place on earth. My marriage is not a shithole. I’m not a shithole. I pay the
bills. You pay nothing. Shithole! You are the shithole,” She cries, beating his
pushes her to the floor.
are through with this marriage,” he rages.
aren’t through yet. Baron Gabriel.”
stops packing his things. His hands into punching fists, he moves toward her.
Then the phone rings. She crawls on the floor as fast as she could, and grabbed it.
he is here, ” she says screaming, ogling at him.
“The police is at the door. Do your worse!”
knocks rain. She opens it. Two men and a woman, in police uniform with all the modern sensors on them, walk in.
Oda, you are under arrest for beating this
lady every day of this week. And also for
money laundry, and drug pushing. Please do not say anything. Whatever you say
will be on record.”
he looks at Annabel for a while, then at uniform men, and chuckles.
am innocent!”
male cops handcuffs him, and march him out.
you, Susie. The waiting was worth it.”
are welcome, Annabel. We thank you so much for leading him on. He has been on our radar for months. Without you we could have lost him.”
gathers the bugs and other paraphernalia devices into a small box.”
the phone rings again.
Oge, good morning.”
been long, Oge. How are you?”
am doing well. Good talking with you.”
father is dead. He died an hour ago.”
long sullen
silence ensues.
Then she screams into the phone, dropping it to the floor. Susie holds her. She cries,
cries on her shoulders. Then falls to sleep.
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